Park Row Hair and Beauty Mobile Website Demo

Park Row Hair and Beauty

Park Row Hair and Beauty is a long established, quality hairdressing and beauty salon in Brighouse, West Yorkshire.

I created the original desktop website for Park Row Hair and Beauty in 2011 and a mobile version of the site some 18 months later.

In May 2015 I updated the desktop website to a new responsive design theme which automatically adjusts itself to all different screen sizes and so a standalone mobile site was no longer needed.

To view and compare the experience in how the Park Row Hair and Beauty site looked before and after it had a mobile optimised version of it’s website created, click on the image itself or Click Here

I love the way my mobile website looks and how much easier it makes it for my customers to find out about us. Even my clients have commented on how easy it is to find out about our services and treatments – and then to get in touch.

Janet Brunskill

Owner, Park Row Hair and Beauty