Websites, Digital Marketing & Business Development

Websites For Professional Services Businesses

If you have a business providing any type of professional service then you’ll be only too aware of the importance of making a good first impression.

Whether you’re an accountant, architect, business consultant, financial advisor, law firm, solicitor, surveyor, or another professional service provider, you’re asking people to put a lot of trust in what you will do and deliver for them.

It’s impossible for them NOT to make an immediate initial judgement on you and the quality of your services and all you can do is to try and influence it to be as favourable as possible.

Whilst some of these all-important ‘first impressions’ may still come directly, through a personal recommendation, or meeting face to face at a networking event or social engagement, these days more are likely to be formed from searching & finding more about you and your business on the internet.

Your online directory listings, reviews, social media accounts and of course your website.

Customology For Professional Services Companies

Making Sure Of Making A Good First Impression

The good news is that this is probably easier to manage and ‘tip in your favour’ than you think, not least because very few of your competitors are likely to be doing it well.

If people are looking to find out more about you online then it all starts with your website.

People now have an expectation of the way a website should look and function and they will form an opinion on yours – and with it your business – very quickly.

To your visitors, your website is a reflection of your business and their perception of you will be affected by it. It is the standard bearer for you and your services in the online world.

Taking some time to review your website to make sure that it not only best presents, projects and promotes your business but also meets your visitor’s ever-increasing expectations in user experience, can only pay dividends.

What Makes A Good Professional Services Website?

For this, I’m making the assumption that you already have a website, as the vast majority of Professional Services businesses do understand the necessity of having one. However your website may be quite old or outdated, or deep down you realise that it’s not currently best presenting the quality of your business and the services you provide for your clients.

* If you don’t yet have a website then you may also find the information on Benefits for Hairdressers and Benefits for Trades & Services of interest because they are generally applicable to all businesses. *

Here are some things to consider in reviewing your website.

1. Does it meet the expectations of your visitor (and potential client) in terms of providing an intuitive and positive user experience, ie layout, navigation, easy-to-read content

2. Does it answer the questions and provide the information they’re most likely to be looking for when visiting your site, ie your services, methods of contact and the ‘next step’

3. Does it have a style and branding that fully reflects the quality of your ‘offer’ to your target market, ie an accountant looking to attract businesses with a £1m + turnover will not be exactly the same as one focusing on startup or micro businesses

4. Remember that whatever your target market any Professional Services company is a ‘people to people’ business. Including photo’s and a small bio for both directors and key employees will go a long way in building a relationship before you even meet or speak

5. How does it look aesthetically in comparison to your competitors, the ones you’d most like to emulate? Does it look modern and fresh, or perhaps if you’re honest a little old and ‘tired’? And if you’re not sure, why not ask any employees or friends & family their opinion.

6. How does it look and function on a mobile phone? These days a much larger proportion of your visitors will be viewing your website on a mobile device than on a laptop or PC.

If you feel your website may not be creating the best first impression of your business, then the time may be right for an update.

Why Customology?

I’ve had the pleasure of being able to help many different types of businesses over the years.

Many web designers may create the layout of the site itself, but ask you to provide the main content for them to ‘cut & paste’ into it. I take the time to understand more about your business so I can create the majority of the written content for your site – and even help with images too.

And it’s not just about creating a website. I can also provide ideas, guidance, and other services to help make sure that your website doesn’t just look good, but goes on to deliver everything you want it to be for your business, for many years to come.

Please do check out some of my previous projects and testimonials and then why not get in touch for a free, no obligation chat on how creating a professional online presence can help in growing your business.

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