Attracting New Customers To Your Business

About Customology

Customology can help to grow your business through attracting new customers and getting existing ones coming back for more.

In this increasingly technology-driven world this usually starts with your website – and in how to best present your business to get found and noticed online.

However that’s not to say that more traditional ‘old school’ types of marketing like print ads and flyers no longer have a role.

Each business is different, but it’s often a mixture of both on and offline strategies that deliver the best results.

Customology Services Include…

Website Design – creating a new website, or updating an existing one. This is particularly important if your current website does not display well on a mobile phone.
See if your site passes the Google Mobile-Friendly Test here

Branding – Naming, logo, colours, identifying / creating point of difference etc

Search Engine Optimisation – Optimising your website for Google & other search engines

Social Media – Help with setting up and using Facebook, Twitter & other SM platforms

Video Marketing – A really effective media to connect & engage with your customers

Reputation Management – Online review sites etc

Relationship Marketing – Building a customer list and communication channels

Ads, Flyers & Other Promotional Materials

Website Maintenance & Security

Business Consultancy & Coaching

If there’s any area of business development that I’m not able to help or advise you with then I can often recommend and connect you to someone who can.

How is Customology different from other digital marketing and website companies?

I believe mainly it’s because I come from a business background rather than a graphic design one.

I have knowledge and understanding of a wide range of business principles and the everyday issues that business owners may face. I am also a trained local business mentor.

So it’s very important to me that any work I do brings real and measurable results in growth for your business. It’s not just about your website looking good, but of course, that is important too.

If you want to move forward and grow your business then please Contact Me today for a free, no-obligation consultation to see how Customology can help your business to attract more customers and get existing ones coming back for more.


Business Focused Approach

Driving Sales & Business Growth

Building Connections & Relationships With Your Customers

Customer Attraction Strategies

Attaining & Retaining Customers

Creating Customer Communications & Conversations

Real and Measurable Results

Forward Thinking & Up To Date

Never Forgetting Customers Have A Choice