Websites, Digital Marketing & Business Development
A New Home In Todmorden
Update Autumn 2022:
Customology is no longer quite so new in Todmorden as I have been here for nearly 4 years now! However, I’ve decided to keep my original introduction below because it shows my initial enthusiasm and excitement for the future of the town – which, despite all that’s happened over the last few years, has not waned. Everything else I wrote at that time is still as relevant today, if not more so.
(As of 2019 when this was originally written…) Todmorden is the new home of Customology and I’m both delighted and excited to have arrived here at a time which presents such amazing opportunities for the town.
Following on from last year’s Incredible Festival of Ideas, Todmorden Book Festival and the winning of the Great British High Street Rising Star Award, lots of great ideas, initiatives and events are being pursued to put Tod even more firmly on the map in 2019.
Although currently still in its early stages, the Destination Tod project – I believe initiated by Stephen Curry at UCVR & supported by Calderdale Council – would raise the profile of the town tremendously if it acquires the funding it needs.
With 300 delegates descending on the Community Centre for the European Straw Bale Gathering in August and a number of new businesses already opening on the ‘High Street’ in 2019 (despite some others sadly closing), there certainly seems newfound energy and sense of optimism running through much of the business community in Tod right now.
Making The Most Of New Opportunities
Whether we like it or not we can’t escape that many of us now live much of our lives online.
Any downtime we may have, whether we’re on our lunch break, commuting on public transport, or sitting at home, will most likely be spent with our heads down on our mobile phones rather than taking some time out to relax and switch off from the outside world. Or, heaven forbid, start up a conversation with someone nearby!
I was in the barber recently and the gown I was given had a transparent panel in the middle, so you can be online on your phone whilst you’re having your haircut!! I didn’t…
Personally, I don’t necessarily always like how far we’ve gone – particularly in how it leads us to become less ‘present’ and more disconnected from each other. But we have to accept that it is what it is and that actually there are many huge positives too.
As business owners, it presents an incredible opportunity when we make the most of what the internet has to offer us.
It can help us to become MORE connected with our customers – and level the playing field between smaller and larger, more established businesses.
Get On Board Or Get Left Behind
Every business wishing to prosper and grow must now recognise the importance and influence of the internet. If we don’t get on board and embrace it then we will almost certainly get left behind.
When people search for your business online – and they will – what will they find?
Are you totally happy that it represents the quality of your business and services to your ideal customer/target market? And that it’s at least on par with your closest competitors and/or those you most aspire to be like?
Does it provide all the information they’re likely to be looking for when searching online – and also the information you want them to know?
Providing a great online experience will give reassurance and confidence to your customer that you will provide a great service when they get to meet you in the ‘real’ world too.
Can I Help Your Business In Any Way?
I’m passionate about helping businesses to better present, project and promote themselves – and attract more customers – in the online world.
If you’d like to talk about any aspect of your current online presence then I’d be delighted to meet up and offer any advice, ideas or help that I can. There’s absolutely no charge for doing so, apart from of course the mandatory cup of coffee – and optional slice of cake!
If you’re considering whether a website will offer any benefit to your business then you may find a few of the links under the ‘Web Design‘ heading above useful.
Websites For Trades & Services, For Professional Sevices and For Hairdressers all provide a slightly different perspective that will be valuable for ALL different types of businesses. Websites For Holiday Lets is more niche.
Under the same Web Design header, you’ll also find details of Previous Projects – and Testimonials are available from the main menu too.
I genuinely do love meeting up with people and finding out more about their business. It’s always then at the forefront of my mind to recommend and connect businesses when the opportunity arises too.
If you feel there may be a benefit for you too then do get in touch. It would be great to meet you.
And in case you’re wondering… no, that’s NOT me in the yellow leotard, red cape & Mexican wrestler mask…