Customology Website Portfolio

18th Edition Online
18th Edition Online Website By Customology
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This website is the third I’ve created for the Online Electrical Training company XS Training. The other two being their parent site XS and a secondary site called You can read more about the first site I built for them here.

The new 18th Edition qualification is an update to the previous 17th Edition regulations and is very important (and potentially lucrative!), because every practising electrician will need to have it before the beginning of 2019.

The website is different to the majority I create in that it is a One Page Website, with all the main content being on one long Home / Landing Page. This is because there is not really enough content to populate or justify, five or six separate pages.

The only other separate pages are the Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions pages, which are now highly recommended for all websites.

It has a navigation menu at the top of the page which links directly to that particular section on the page. When viewed on a laptop or larger screen device, the sections can also be navigated by the ‘dot navigation bar’ on the right-hand side of the screen.

Quite a few of the elements have animated transitions which make them stand out and draws the visitor’s attention as they scroll down.

The course can be booked directly from the site via a Paypal payment button, which then notifies the business owners as soon as payment has been made.

Click here to see the website live on your current device – and please do get in touch if I may be able to help with improving the performance of your website, or growing your business in any way.

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