Customology Website Portfolio

Cansquared Ltd
Cansquared Ltd Website By Customology

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How The Previous Website Looked

Previous Website For Cansquared Ltd

This is the third website I’ve created for an Independent Financial Advisor – at the time of publishing this – and it’s a sector I do enjoy working with. Maybe because I spent a short time in the industry myself some 30 years ago!

This opportunity came through no direct connection with the first two projects – for James Glasheen Financial Planning and Glennan Wealth Management – only in that the business owner and director Geoff Matthews saw and liked what I’d done with them.

I have known Geoff for a few years now and in that time he has become someone I would certainly consider to be a friend. As for if that works the other way round, you’d have to ask him!

The existing website was a few years old and the main objectives of the work was to a) bring it’s overall appearance up to date, b) add extra pages & new content, and c) make sure it was optimised for visitors viewing the site from their mobile phones.

The existing logo was a very ‘flat’ image so I had a 3D version of it created and added it to the website header on a tilt – the first time I had ever used this effect.

The biggest difference between this and the other websites I’ve created for Financial Advisors is that Geoff had a good selection of his own photos that we were able to use rather than stock images. Service sectors such as accountants, solicitors and financial consultants are very difficult to illustrate with anything other than stock images so to have these at my disposal was a real pleasure.

It enabled me to create something totally and genuinely unique.


An Internal Section Within The ‘Business’ Page

When we moved the new site from its development location to the ‘live’ domain we discovered that there were previously undetected issues with the current hosting company that were affecting its performance. After considering the options we moved to a brand new hosting provider and now (at time of launch) the site is loading super fast. 🙂

Click here to see the website live on your current device – and please do get in touch if I may be able to help with improving the performance of your website, or growing your business in any way.

How The Previous Website Looked

Previous Website For Cansquared Ltd