Customology Website Portfolio

Edward Walton
Freaky Shakes Website By Customology
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Previous Website Comparison

Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Ice Cream Parlour Website By Customology

Edward Walton is a multi-skilled instrumentalist, composer and producer who specialises in creating tailored music for advertisements, films and songs “with the intent of reflecting the emotion and message of any environment”.

Edward is the son of one of my long-term clients, John Walton who owns Norden Dust Covers. He had worked on building the website himself, in a WordPress Theme builder called Elementor but found it wasn’t quite as easy as it’s made out to be, especially in making it present well on different devices and screen sizes. And he’s not alone in this.

Although the vast majority of website builders are now “responsive” and designed to automatically adjust themselves to laptops, tablets and phones – ALL websites will need a greater or lesser degree in specification to different devices.

Edward’s business is still in its infancy but he wanted a website that presented the quality of his work to prospective new clients.

Initially, this is just a straightforward “one-page” website but with built-in potential to expand in the future, including a Projects section (as you’re viewing here on my site) to provide more details and specifics about his work projects as he grows his Portfolio.

Click here… to see the website live on your current device – and please do get in touch if I may be able to help with improving the performance of your website, or growing your business in any way.

Previous Site & Comparison

Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology