Customology Website Portfolio

Happy Snapz Photography
Freaky Shakes Website By Customology

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Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Ice Cream Parlour Website By Customology
Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Ice Cream Parlour Website By Customology

After building up an increasing reputation as an Events & Dance Photographer across the North West of England, the opportunity arose for Happy Snapz business owner Simon Duxbury to open his own studio in his home town of Todmorden. And he snapped it up – pun intended!

He previously had a business website but this had been taken down before he approached me to create a new one for him – so I had a totally blank canvas to start from.

This website is very different in styling and design to any I had created previously – and was very much driven by Simon’s vision of how he wanted it to look and function.

There is no scrolling on the Home Page, everything is “above the fold” with an eight image slider displaying the wide variety of his growing Portfolio.

The website navigation menu extends out to the centre of the screen upon clicking and pages are categorised by the different types of photography that Simon shoots.

Most of these pages are then divided into sub-categories and displayed in separate Galleries divided by ‘Tabs’.

There is a totally separate presentation method for the Galleries on Mobile and Tablet viewing to Desktop & Tablet, but the images are identical in for all.

As a photography website, a lot of time and effort went into resizing the images so they represented the quality and sharpness of the original photos, without making the site so slow that it presented a negative user experience.

Compromises had to be made both ways, but in the end, I think we struck a good balance.

The creation of this site turned out to be quite a challenge but I was very pleased with it upon completion and hand over. As was, most importantly, Simon the business owner.

Click here… to see the website live on your current device – and please do get in touch if I may be able to help with improving the performance of your website, or growing your business in any way.

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Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology
Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology