Customology Website Portfolio

Pin Drop Ears
Freaky Shakes Website By Customology
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Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Ice Cream Parlour Website By Customology
Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Ice Cream Parlour Website By Customology

This one I HAD to get right… it’s for my partner who had recently taken early retirement from the NHS and wanted to start her own small part-time business.

Pin Drop Ears offers an ear wax removal service in and around where we live in Todmorden. It’s something she had been doing for the past 17 years in her role as a community nurse but fewer areas are now offering this service as a standard procedure for everyone on the NHS.

As a totally brand new business, the starting point was a blank piece of paper (OK, a blank Word doc) from which everything you now see then evolved.

I have mentioned previously that I always like to try and do something I haven’t done before when creating a new website and this is the first time I’ve ever used (cartoon-like) Vector Illustrations. This turned out to be great lead image for marketing materials – flyers, business cards & a popup banner – and local ads etc too

The idea came from me not being able to find ‘any’ even half-decent stock images for the site. I went through a few options before I came up with those now on the website. The final edits, as well as adding the ‘Otoscope’ into her hand, included making the images look a bit more like Angela by changing the hair colour & style 🙂

I also arranged to get some studio photography images with one of my clients – Happy Snapz Photography – which I believe really raises the quality of the website overall.

I was very lucky here that Angela provided the majority of the written content for the site herself, meaning that I basically just had to work on the best way to display it to make it easy and intuitive for the visitor to access.

In the majority of cases I “just” get to create the website and then the business owner takes over in respect of how they best present and promote it to make it work for their business. Here however I have also had the opportunity to “practice what I preach” in following a number of low or zero-cost basic marketing strategies to launch a new small local business.

Click here… to see the website live on your current device – and please do get in touch if I may be able to help with improving the performance of your website, or growing your business in any way.

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Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology
Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology
Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology