Customology Website Portfolio

Todmorden Town Deal
Freaky Shakes Website By Customology

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Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Ice Cream Parlour Website By Customology
Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Ice Cream Parlour Website By Customology

In late 2019 it was announced that Todmorden, along with 100 other towns across the UK, had been selected to submit a bid for up to £25m of capital investment under the government’s Town Fund initiative.

Having already created the Todconnect & There’s More in Todmorden websites since moving to the town a couple of years ago, I was invited to submit a bid for the creation of this website and this was accepted.

The purpose of the website is to inform and engage with both governance and the local community about Todmorden’s Town Investment Plan (TIP), which was formulated and driven by a cross-section, voluntary, Town Deal Board.

The Home Page header (in Desktop view) is a short video clip, filmed by a drone for a promotional film about the town in 2019. It’s only the second time I’ve used a video header as it doesn’t suit the majority of businesses I work with, but I feel it works well for this community site.

A key objective of the website is communication and engagement with the local community and we wanted to make that obvious and easy to do. Profiles were created on the social media platforms that we thought most relevant and an invitation and opportunity to join our mailing list to receive regular email updates is repeated in the footer of every page.

A blog/latest news structure was also created in order to post regular updates about progress on the TIP and its Projects throughout the duration of the process.

On the Meet The Board page there is a head shot and title of each board member with a button for more info which opens up in a “pop-up”. This was one of two ideas I had for revealing the extra information, the other being a downwards expansion of the board members profile.

Click here… to see the website live on your current device – and please do get in touch if I may be able to help with improving the performance of your website, or growing your business in any way.

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Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology
Freaky Shakes Milkshake Bar & Cakery Website By Customology